The Journey to Becoming an Indispensable Software Engineer

Andreas Loizou
4 min readJan 26, 2024

Hello there, friend! 👋

I’ve had the fantastic opportunity to work with numerous software teams throughout my career, both in full-time positions and through my consulting work at QBeat Technologies. It’s been an incredible journey, seeing people evolve from fresh university graduates to becoming irreplaceable assets in their companies.

The key ingredient? Drive. But there’s more to it. What really transforms a junior or entry-level engineer into a seasoned pro is their knack for self-reliance and initiative. It’s about taking ownership — really owning the projects and tasks you’re responsible for.

One of my favorite quotes is by Nikos Kazantzakis, a renowned Greek writer and Nobel Prize nominee. He said,

“Love responsibility. Say: It is my duty, and mine alone, to save the earth. If it is not saved, then I alone am to blame.”

While Kazantzakis was talking about the planet, the same principle of responsibility and ownership applies in our field.

We at QBeat Technologies embrace two crucial principles. They are also an indispensable part of our values and employee handbook.

  1. Extreme Ownership: We’re not just employees/software developers; we’re owners of our work. This means no excuses, just problem-solving. This principle has been pivotal in our journey at QBeat Technologies, turning challenges into opportunities. A TEDx video by the Navy SEAL Jocko Willink that explains the concept can be found here.
  2. Managers of One: Inspired by a fantastic article from Basecamp written back in 2008, this concept is about being self-managed and proactive. It’s a mindset that encourages growth and innovation.

How you can demonstrate self-management and ownership

For example, in your day-to-day job, one can demonstrate ownership and take initiative by:

  • Volunteer for Challenging Tasks: Show willingness to take on challenging or unfamiliar tasks, demonstrating your readiness to grow and contribute significantly to your team’s success.
  • Resolve Dependencies Proactively: In software engineering, we often depend on others for various aspects of a project, like DevOps, DBAs, UI Engineers, QA, etc. If you notice that a task is delayed due to dependencies on other teams, take a proactive approach. If your organization’s structure permits, consider addressing these dependencies yourself. This can help reduce silos and streamline processes. However, if your organization has more rigid team boundaries, don’t just pass a ticket to another team and forget about it. Instead, actively follow up. Regular communication and collaboration with other teams can prevent delays and avoid the blame game, ensuring smoother project progression and fostering a more integrated team environment.
  • Seek Feedback and Collaborate: Actively seek feedback on your work from peers and superiors. Be open to collaborative discussions to enhance project outcomes.
  • Anticipate and Address Potential Issues: Don’t wait for problems to arise. Regularly analyze your projects for potential future issues or areas of improvement and propose solutions.
  • Share Knowledge with Your Team: If you learn something new that could benefit your team, take the initiative to share that knowledge, possibly through a brief presentation or informal discussion.
  • Optimize Workflows and Processes: Identify inefficiencies in current workflows and suggest improvements. This could be automating a manual process or proposing a new tool or method.

Before we wrap up, let’s not forget the importance of hard work. Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher, once said,

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

This rings true in software engineering more than anywhere else. The best engineers I’ve worked with don’t just code for a living; they live to code. Their passion extends beyond office hours — be it working on side projects, participating in hackathons, teaching others, or even organizing meetups. They’re always learning, always growing.

So, my friend, keep up the great work and truly own what you do. You’re not just building code; you’re building your future.

Join the Conversation and Elevate Your Skills

Are you on your journey to becoming an indispensable software engineer? We’d love ❤️ to hear your story, challenges, and successes 💪. Share your experiences in the comments below 💭👇 and join our vibrant community of passionate software professionals here.

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Visit QBeat Academy to explore our courses. Let’s code a brighter future together!

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Cheers to your journey,

Andreas Loizou



Andreas Loizou

Software Engineering Trainer | Director of Engineering @ | @UniofOxford alum. No limits. Dares the Unknown